Saturday, October 10, 2009

What is it? We have seen them for sale at Len's Corner store in Stillwater, and I remember them from my childhood, guess I will google "green/brainlike fruit, could kill you if falls from tree" Bob and I played "kick the green weird thing down the hill" on our way back to the boat, stopped the game when the ball went into the grasses...and we had been warned about the snakes...

A view of just one of the little lakes bordering the Tennessee River that we enjoyed at twilight on our walk.

The sky at twilight showed a little bit of halo/rainbow (right-center) which "weatherman Bob" said means rain is coming, he was sure right as the next day we got rain, rain and more rain. Cold too!
New friends found at Pebble Isle as they came into the marina in their boat "Flying Scotsman" the cutest C-Dory! They are from Cooperstown NY, classical musicians who are part of Summer Opera there. I must google the Opera House at Cooperstown and try to go there someday!
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