Monday, October 26, 2009

As we made our 360 to position Veda L on the starboard side and slide up to the dock in front of Papa Joe's Oyster Bar, I snapped this. We spent two days here, the driveways here are crushed oyster shells vs. gravel, lots of historic homes with different styles of gingerbread then we see "up North" We ate oysters, then we ate more oysters, steamed, raw, the garlic and butter lightly steamed were my favorite.

I get up at the "ass crack of dawn" as our darling Dana daughter so sweetly says, so I get to enjoy and capture sunrises, Buddy and I were on the foredeck watching the sun rise over Scipio Creek where we were tied to the dock...with an ant problem, little buggers ran up our lines like rats on a cargo ship and we fought them for two days.

Janet and I took a tour of this historic home; the Orman House, one of the 1st built in "Apalach" as the natives call Apalachicola, he was a 6'7" cotton merchant, a giant of a man in 1834 when he built this home. During the cival war his little wife Sara would go up to a flat area of the roof, which stairs still lead to the unadorned "widow's walk" and if the Yankees were in the area she would put a sawhorse and a barrel up there as if work was being done as a signal to the Confederates that they should not approach. Years later, the 3rd owner, a distant cousin of the Ormans let the house fall into ruin and would leave the front door open so that her horse "Ruffles" could come inside.

A very happy Capt Bob with a box of shrimp fresh from a local man that "don't buy no trash!" as his sign says on his dock, warning the fishing boats coming in that he will only buy fresh and correct size fish, shrimp and oysters. We sat in his office and chatted with he and his wife for about a half hour. He supplies to most of the local restaurants, and doesn't usually sell to the public, but Bob and I went in two years ago and asked if we could buy some and he said "shore nuf" so we will always pop in to see if he has any extra...
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