Thursday, October 15, 2009

I just found this DRAFT in my Blog file, who knows why I didn't find it before, but it is an interesting one (I think) so off it goes totally out of order: This is morning mist hanging over Cooks Bend our anchorage before Demopolis, aka The Dismal Swamp.

This is just one of many "diving buoys" as we call them, it's the ones that are totally submerged that you have to try to miss by watching buoy position on your chart, the river is over 13' above norm here, so the tow boat capts say "go anywheres you want to", but the buoys may be hanging just below the water line, so OUCH.

Coming into Demopolis Bob yelled for me to run up to the pilot house, of course camera in hand I caught these two deer swimming across the river. Beautiful!