Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Christ Church built in 1832, on eof the oldest in Florida. 2009 celebrated the 450th year of the anniversary of one of the first Spanish-European landings in Florida when Tristan DeLuna arrived in Pensacola Bay, an end was brought to their efforts 2 weeks later when a hurrican hit. 1698 is when Pensacola actually got settled.

25 cents will buy you one! Of course we each had our own dozen!

This is Pensacola Penny the baby blue heron taken two years ago. A story that has been repeated many times, me telling Bob "I don't think you are as commited to this bird as I am" only to have him go borrow a knife from a guy in an alley, dove a dumpster to get a cardboard box to cup up and fashion a smaller box for "our" bird.
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