Thursday, October 01, 2009


Hello Out there...I wrote a long email on the way down here, don't know where it is, but am not going to repeat contents until I see that it DOES NOT show up on my blog.  LOST IN SPACE?  Anyway, we are here in Hannibal, tied securely to the dock, (this is why I stay in shape) as in order to get secured it took a good plan between the Capt and I, then tying lines together to give us the length to work with, then shortening them up once we got the long loops on pilings.  Monkey like scrambling up retaining walls, using the boat hook to snag the loops of the lines from atop the wall, fun stuff.  We are going to go to Lulu Belles for dinner, an old whore house, (having just celebrated our 16th anniversary I hope Capt is not trying to tell me something!).  Tomorrow is Timberlake Mo., just north of St. Louis and our stop at Alton Illinois.  Beautiful day!