Tuesday, October 13, 2009

This Armadillo at Columbus Marina says "ya'll can kiss my hairy backside!" I never realized how hairy they are, and their finger nails/claws...my my, so much in need of a manicure/pedicure!

We had "issues" all day, I do believe a little gremlin got onboard. First the starter did not work, so we thought we would lose a day getting it fixed, then Bob realized that he had a spare part for it and fixed it by 10am, my hero! We got into Stennis Lock and Dam and this is what we saw, water hyacinths galore and lumber, trees, stumps you name it. We knew it was going to be another day of Dodge-em cruising. The river has gone up 14', Our boat is full displacement so we tend to push things out of the way, and our prop is up into our hull, less likely to get damaged by debris. Regardless, we pick stuff up on our stabilizers and all of a sudden hear a clang and banging, then have to get the sticks off and proceed. We tried to go into Sumter Cove but barely slid over a sandbar at the entrance with our depth showing 0 under the keel. REVERSE! So, we came back north to Cooks Bend and here we are anchored for the night, safe and sound!
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