Monday, October 26, 2009

Flat shiny almost "oily" looking water as we came into Sandestin Fl, I love taking photos of water ripples, reflections and such, such beauty always surrounds us! This bay was FULL of Moon Jellies (jellyfish) that were floating by on our approach.

Janets friends were all telling her "you have to see the white sand beach at Destin, so we took a trolley ride over and walked along the shore in the pure white sands, it actually squeaked under your feet as it compacted with each step I would suppose due to it's being so fine? Fun squeaky walk!

Of course I had to capture this squiggly sea grass popping out of the sand with the rays of low light streaming across the sand.

Sunset from the bow of Veda L (always a little out of focus on a gently rocking boat, but a sliver of moon in the sky, a beautiful night, we had huevos rancheros for dinner that night and we said, "great table we got for dinner, just look at this view!" We must KNOW somebody!!
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