Saturday, October 10, 2009

Linda's Picasa Web Album - Paris Landing to Pebble Isle

From: Linda Besk <>
Date: 2009/10/10
Subject: Linda's Picasa Web Album - Paris Landing to Pebble Isle

Hello from Aqua Harbor, we have not had internet connections worth a damn lately so I am rather discaboobalated regarding the sequence of events, but here are a few photos and a rather long description of events from a couple of days ago.  It was beautiful cruising through the Kentucky lakes, except when we had the severe weather of course, I told Bob yesterday that I discover new things about myself on these trips, for instance an interest in Civil War history...I am almost ready to read his book "The Civil War" by Bruce Catton which is the book I reference for more information on places we pass through.

I also learn new things about the weather, when coming back from our walk at Pebble Isle Bob pointed out a bit of a halo/rainbow spot in the sky and said that we will probably be getting some rain soon.  Of course back at the boat he looked it up in his weather book and handed it to me..... A good Capt knows a lot about everything! 

While at Pebble Isle we greeted an incoming boat, the picture attached is the Flying Scotsman that I refer to in my long description  this portion of our trip.  When they left the next morning we said "we hope we never see you again"  They responded with a laught "Yes, us too!"  They go so much faster that if we did see them again it would mean they had some trouble.  So far, no sign of them
LIFE IS SWELL ON VEDA L.....cold but swell!

You are invited to view Linda's photo album: Paris Landing to Pebble Isle
Paris Landing to Pebble Isle
Oct 7, 2009
by Linda
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