Friday, November 13, 2009

While Capt Bob is waiting for the weather to turn around so we can start our cruise across the Gulf Stream and Bahamas Bank and hopefully reach Exuma Sea Park by Thanksgiving, I get to enjoy this sweet face! Amelia, my my 7mth old grandaughter, and she is as sweet as she looks!

Buddy started digging into his gift bag from Stillwater Vet Clinic as soon as we secured Veda L to the dock in Miami, he said "for goodness sake Mom, the sun is hot, do I have to get my sunscreen out myself?

Buddy enjoys his bow seating while cruising through the canals of Pompano Beach past waterfront mansions wondering if there are any "rich cats" around.

The bow of Veda L enters downtown Miami, pretty weird boating through Miami, but very cool!
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