Monday, November 30, 2009

The hunter walking down the beach to swim out to the reef to search for dinner...lobster or grouper, he is not choosy. As it turned out, the lobster he had his eye on disapeared while he went a little further out; do not miss opportunity is his mantra of the day!

This is me, reading a New Yorker magazine and looking out into the Atlantic looking for my husbands fins and snorkel. I stood in the shallow water, read a page...find a page...find husband...I would panic if I did not see him for over 3 minutes, started imagining things...horrid things.

Just one of the very cool little additions that Tucker has added to his island, on Crescent Beach. Today Veda L is the only boat in the marina, we even tended the office for awhile so Tucker could go to Staniel Cay to get a haircut. I started my day today by running all the trails around the island, took me 45 minutes and have no idea how far, but a lot of the sand trail was high above Crescent Beach, so it was a beautiful run.

The "no-seeum's" are out in full force, as the marina is surrounded by mangroves. We sprayed ourselves heavily so we could sit out on the bow to watch the sunset. A beautiful, still night. We took our canoe up the mangrove creek today to look for little fish, conch, etc in the "nursery"/shallow warm waters. No words to describe the water, reflections, and fish.
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