Saturday, September 26, 2009

Sabula to Burlington Iowa

Leaving Sabula Iowa we had to wait for the fog curtain to lift, once
we got out and were heading south we were given permission from the
towboat C Michael Reeves to go through lock 16 ahead of her, Bob
thinks the Capt may have been "kindly" because a couple of days prior
to this, while I was at the helm, I asked the C Michael Reeves which
side the Capt wished to "see me on" He replied that I could choose
either side, I came back with "Oh,'re going to give a woman
a choice?" with a laugh, then told him I would see him on the One
Whistle side. As I passed him he came out of the pilot house and gave
me a bow and waved his hat at me. When we passed him the second time
at lock 16 he gave me a big blast of his horn as I came out to do
fenders, and of course I gave him a bow back!

Lots of these High Rise's along the river! While at Big Muddy's in
Burlington last night for our 16th anniversary dinner we were told
that these high rises were about the only dry place to be last year as
a levee broke and flooded homes that have never had even a close call

I love seeing Veda L. in front of the Burlington bridge, this is the
same type of bridge that was being proposed for Stillwater at one
time, I would not mind it in the least. Very picturesque!

No real snakes here....just a crooked street called Snake Alley, it
was built as a short cut from the bluff to the downtown area in the
1800's, the bricks were laid at an angle so that horses would have an
easier time gripping the road with their hooves.

While in Sabula I had decided to take a run; found a beautiful road
adjacent to the marina that led to a park and beach, when I got back
45 min. later I told Bob it was a 3 snake run...2 dead and 1 alive.
The alive one prompted me to leave a blue streak of profanity in my

Fun trip so far, the only problems so far are all technology related,
a learning curve for sure, but I muddling my way through it all.
Life is Swell on Veda L!