Sunday, September 20, 2009

Buddy's Bon Voyage party with his entourage from Stillwater Vet Clinic~ We had a lot of fun and told lots of stories! Buddy got to see his Dr's and staff in a whole different way, but he really sniffed the air when they came into his stateroom! I smell medicine, nobody poke me or they get thrown overboard!
Here Buddy is ready for the Southern waters, he's wearing sunglasses, a full tank of diesel but he is missing his half a pack of smokes..... (Blues Brothers)
Buddy says that whoever wears the Capt hat gives the orders, "start up the Cat engine Bob..I want to see Bayport off the stern!"

Dr Jen is my sweetheart, I asked her to try to find some sunscreen for my delicate nose and ears, and she came through with a personal bottle that even has my photo embossed on it, I must be famous!!! I surprised my crew when they found my catnip gopher that I put into their box that was packed to go to the boat. Bob thought that Linda had packed it; Linda thought that Bob had packed it. They should have seen me carrying it over to the box and packing it so I would have it to play with onboard my boat.

Bon Voyage from a great bunch of people who Buddy owes his life to!
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