Sunday, September 20, 2009

Lock 3 with Amelia, her first cruise on the mighty Mississippi, she is a great little boater baby!
We left the Bayport Marina at 7:30 Friday morning, a beautiful day to enjoy my family and the scenery as we headed to Pepin. Ted and Rachael joined us for our last day with them for awhile. I could barely stand it, just thinking about being away from them. Last week we almost lost our little Mia; if it were not for her Mother's intuition and fast CPR action we don't even want to think of the consequences. Tell every person you know to get a refresher course in CPR including infant CPR, and nobody leave their children with parents or babysitters who have not been recently certified in CPR. I am getting recertified when I come home to see them in October.

After a smooth docking at Dan's Pepin Marina we walked over to Smith Brothers Landing and bought some iron garden ornaments for Rachael & Ted's yard, he will be bringing his
iron works to the Hudson Art Fair that is coming up soon, and will bring a custom piece for my friend Teary at The Mulvey Inn to place beside his new labrynith that was recently created in the yard of the Inn.

Dinner at Harbor View, as usual a fabulous meal, Rachael had the Pesce, I had the chicken fetticini with tons of garlic and chipolte sauce, Bob had the swedish meatballs and Teddy the Angus steak. Bob and I have been married for 16 years now and will celebrate our anniversary Sept 25, but I talked him into giving me my present early, NIGHT VISION GOGGLES!! I was so excited that after dinner we all took turns looking out into Lake Pepin to see the "night life" all we saw were ducks, but it made me think how much fun this is going to be in gator country, and fun when anchored in these little creeks that we tuck Veda L into, wild pigs coming down to drink at night and such. Now...if I could only take photos!

This will be our last "family page" the rest of my stories will be of our trip and the scens along the way. Everyone hug their kids and be sure that they all have the best of care, love your families like today is the last day of your life.
Next stop.....LaCrosse, then Marquette!
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