Saturday, January 11, 2014

Buddy....the Bahama Boating Cat turns 19!

We were fortunate enough to adopt Buddy 16 years ago, although diabetic he seems to be doing well due to our constant glucose checks and insulin adjustments.  We expect him to have many more Bahama cruises in his lifetime.  Ms Amelia loves Buddy so much, he has been the constant pet in her life, and he allows her to love the stuffin's out of him...sometimes she almost grits her teeth when she says "I love you so much Buddy"  Ted says that she is asking when Buddy is coming will be the end of this month!  We leave Bahamas Jan. 27 to spend a couple weeks in MN before flying to Aruba for windsurfing and Carnival!   Ted and Rachael have a Vail ski trip planned, so the girls will be with Grammy, Grandpa AND Buddy for a few days. 

When Amelia had her tonsils out and spent some time recuperating at Grammy's last year, Buddy slept by her side as her loving companion!  Repaying the constant love she gives him.