Friday, January 10, 2014

Another Day....Another Lobster!

Each morning we start our day by walking down a sand road about 3/4 mi which ends at what I call Baby Beach, as it is a shallow cove perfect for small children to swim in, Deep Creek flows into the sea here, and if you are snorkeling you will enjoy the current taking you down the creek at a pretty good speed on an outgoing tide, plus the water is a warm 85+ degrees.  Once the current takes you to the sea, you feel as if you are in a whirlpool as the incoming waves come one way while the current takes you in another direction; a great discovery!  

Granted, we are not blessed with a sky like this EVERY night, but once in awhile you see the color coming over the treetops and you make a run for the beach before the sunset fades.  Mother Nature puts on a pretty spectacular show!

Dinner!  We are adding a rib eye with Bahamian Jerk seasoning and having surf and turf tonight!
Bob was relentless yesterday...just more reef...ok just one more reef.  I called him a reef-a-holic as it was like a drunk saying "just one more bar and then we will go home"