Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Davis Harbour Marina - to visit our friend Glenroy Smith, Director of Operations! Eleuthra Bahamas

I just found this postings that should have been up over a week ago, we are now back in Eleuthera after a fabulous, fun week with Dylan and her wife Teresa, that post will follow soon!
Yes, I am making a braided rug.  Why you ask?  Why I ask myself!  I am sure you can buy these things at any craft mall for less than I paid for the materials, but "this will be so fun to do on the boat!"  I saw this project in Martha Stewart Living while waiting in the checkout line at Cub Foods.  Advice:  IF you are ever inclined to buy a Martha Stewart Living mag. to do a project...put the magazine back, step away from the rack.  Then of course I had to buy really fluffy towels that when cut leave piles of fluff, that the aft deck breeze does help eliminate.  Never try this inside...it looked like a snow storm hit the Bahamas.  I started this about 9 years ago, was too messy so put it away only to be unearthed while cleaning a closet in preparation for our Daughter Dylan and spouse Teresa who arrive on Sunday morning!  I hope to have a new rug in our "head" by then.  In the meantime, Buddy is really enjoying sleeping on the pile of towel strips that I have in a corner, he thinks I built him a nest. In the meantime...CHECK OUT MY BOTTLE HOLDER....works really well on a rocky boat, Bob's shoe.

Our luck is changing as we actually caught a very nice yellowfin tuna on the way to Eleuthera! And was it ever tasty; we worked for it however as the first fish we caught never made it to the boat, became unhooked; then the second one (a nice Mahi Mahi) was eaten by a good sized Lemon Shark before we could land it; but Mr. Tuna made it onboard, we were told once we arrived in David Harbour Marina that this is a well known fishing ground, so I think we will enjoy our trips to and fro!
The entrance to Davis Harbour Marina is shown above, it is a safe harbour in a quaint setting! Not only was the fishing great on the way over, but once we got settled into the marina (which is really becoming a beautiful place thanks to Glenroy!) we had to search the surrounding waters for some good reefs to dive and hopefully become a slayer of fish and lobster.  On Bob's first dive he came up with this beauty, we are sure it's tail is over 2lbs, our kitchen scale only weighs up to 1lb so we have to guess, but no problem feeding both of us I am sure!

Glenroy's beautiful (soon to be Mrs.Glenroy Smith!) Gretchen and his 10 month old Daughter Kelly.  Baby Kelly has not been reading the book on how babies are suppose to act as she has slept through the night since she was 2 months old, and she never cries unless she is hungry.  She entertains herself well, and is a real mimick...the faces and sounds she copies from "dear old Dad" are hysterical.  My goal was to teach her patty cake, which she was just picking up when we had to untie our lines from the dock and head to Compass Cay...  The Patty Cake lessons will continue at a later date Ms. Kelly!
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