Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Beatings will Continue until Morale Improves!

Posted by PicasaTHE BEATINGS CONTINUE UNTIL THE MORALE IMPROVES…. The Smalley’s Pirate Bar T-Shirt that I wore this morning to leave the dock, to humor our friend Shavago as he released our lines to start our voyage. 
I ran out to the point this morning to watch the 164’ yacht Mary Jean leave, its Capt is a Australian woman that looks to be about 16 as she is so adorable and petite.   She was navigating from the starboard Portuguese bridge to take it out the channel.  I wanted to see it leave so that I would know how tight to batten down our vessel.  I decided due to Mary Jean’s rise and fall from incoming waves that I had best do a pretty good job.  9:30, throw rugs replaced with newspapers (no cat will EVER throw up on a bare floor…they always run for a rug!) 

I am on the Isogenix dietary system, not just trying to lose weight but to get my body healthy, leaner yes…but more muscle and more strength.  What is interesting about it is that even though I joke with Bob that he has to eat his potato chips outside so I can’t hear him, I really have not had any cravings for anything that is not part of the system.  I told Bob to wake me up if my fat cells burning away during the night bothered him J  I did my work out on the aft deck, drank my shake, took my supplements and look forward to a low cal lunch at Black Point…something like fried conch, perhaps!  Oh, and a Kalik to wash it down with!

Took our love to town, a short tender ride to the dock, met a couple from Stuart FL that we had lunch with at Lorraines, (I had the conch sandwich and of course the obligatory Kalik!) then introduced them to Willie Rolle at his Garden of Eden.  We had been there in the past, he is Tucker (of Compass Cay fame)
Rolle’s Brother.  Betty Rolle was sitting on the stoop plaiting strips of straw to be sent to Nassau straw market, her Grandson Gentry gave a tour of the pot hole garden naming each tree and plant, he is 4 and smart as can be.

I would not give up Veda L for anything…she is beautiful, and her aft deck makes a perfect gym!  Nothing sweeter than working out with a view of the sea, a little tricky balancing sometimes, but sure that is good for me as well!