Saturday, March 16, 2013

Goodbye Emerald Bay....again!

 Leaving Veda L. snug in a slip at Marina of Emerald Bay Dec 2012, Bob and I enjoyed a fabulous family Christmas with our Grandgirls in Stillwater, we got "dumped on" a couple of times with snow, then spent 3 weeks in Aruba so that Bob could perfect his jibes, and Linda could perfect her dancing moves in 4 parades during Carnaval!  After our "vacation from our vacation" we flew back to the Bahamas Mar 10, where we have been awaiting a weather window so we can once again point this beast to the east and leave the marina.  The seas are calming, Bob walked out to the point to check things out and he declares a safe passage to be made in the morning.  Provisions purchased & stowed, if we'd be lost at sea for two months we would not starve!   
 Linda getting ready for the San Nicholas Grand Parade, the costume reflects Bohemian Gypsies....lot's of coins jingling!
 Aerial of Marina at Emerald Bay, old photo, but you get the idea of the narrow channel, which is normally not a problem, but when you have 6' breaking waves coming in....let's just say you appreciate the slip!
 Veda L all polished up, and ready to head toward Staniel Cay where Dylan and Teresa will be meeting us next weekend, they are flying in on Watermaker from Ft Lauderdale.
 Shows why the slip was much preferred to venturing out.  A couple big boats did leave however, if they timed the waves perfectly it was not TOO dangerous, but not for the faint of heart.
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