Saturday, April 13, 2013

Who said Uncle Bob can't catch fish???

 Who said that Bob doesn't catch fish?  One of the lucky "winners of the day" tossed Bob part of his catch.   There is a fishing tournament going on which adds to the fun of being at Davis Harbour Marina on Eleuthera, the competitors are in it for fun,and actually I would rather come in 2nd place as the First Place Winner provides the dinner for the group in the upcoming years tournament.  It was fun watching Glenroy get the marina in order for the surge of boaters coming in; we kidded him that the paint wouldn't be dry on the deck prior the Opening party. Davis Harbour was a little "rough around the edges" we first came over two weeks ago, now it is a spit & polished marina that the boaters came into for their tournament, complete with rooftop deck/bar and a lounge with big screen TV   The competent staff here always have a smile and make you feel very much at home.
 It's been great getting to know the local fishermen and the "Big Boys" on their sportsfish boats, a good group, showing us a whole different life in boating.  We are just leaving Davis Harbour as I type this, on our way to Compass Cay to get settled in, clean the guest stateroom (moving Buddy out of HIS room so Richard and Mimi can make themselves at home there.  It is a little bumpy out here; but we are battened down so there is not a rattle on the boat while underway.   The slightest little roll, bang or tick can drive me crazy, so all of my toss pillows are stuffed into any cupboard that has a possibility of a "clink"  The  3' waves are coming at our port bow so we are having a little bit bit of a Hula Dance!  I took my 1/2 of Dramamine, drank my Ginger Beer (NA) for breakfast and should be good to go!  The Ginger probably helps me more than the Dramamine, but I am afraid to give it up.  I just felt what I call "a good one" so I am updgrading those waves to 4' to an occasional 5' now.  Yee Ha.  We have an ocean going vessel so it is nice to get it in some ocean conditions once in awhile.     
 Speaking of ocean going vessels.....The English Capt of this sailing raft AnTiki   was 86 years old as he sailed it from the Canary Islands to St. Maarten, the reason was to travel to the same destination (Eleuthera) as the lifeboat in the book "Jolly Boat" that he had read as a child.  The lifeboat was launched from the British Merchant ship after it's sinking by a German Vessel, 7 men were onboard at the start of the 70 day drift, only two remained when they beached on Eleuthera.. The boat is anchored at Rock Sound at Cupid's Cay harbor. 
 Do Ya think they sell Kalik there?  This is my favorite beer of the Bahamas, well, it's the Bahamian Ting as the ad says!  The label on the bottle shows the cowbells  in hands and the sound the cowbells make when they are shaken are "Ka-Lik....Ka-Lik" well, you have never heard Ka-lik Ka-lik until you have driven 25 miles of bad road with a case of Kalik in the back where the liquor store salesperson removed the dividers between the bottles.  Jeeeeeeeez.  
 Buddy is a real spectacle in the marina, I have people ask me "do you have a baby on board; as I see you walking in the morning holding something?"  No Baby, just Buddy!  The other night a Capt on a fishing boat came over and asked if he could take a picture of our cat, sure...why?  Well, it seems like the bench full of fishing dudes over on the far dock are taking bets whether or not we have a cat or a dog as they were watching me walk him around the aft deck, what was funny is that I said "Let me take a photo with your phone of you holding him"  He backs away....... The photo is of Buddy getting my attention for another afternoon bounce when I was gone shopping for a couple of hours.  "Excuse me Ma'am...could I have a few moments of your time?"
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