Thursday, November 29, 2012

McKenzies Conch Salad..Da Best!

 The chart shows our voyage so far, from Coconut Grove to Cat Cay across the Gulf Stream, then from Cat to Chub across some beautiful shallow waters, then across what they call "The Tongue of The Ocean" a slight 5 hr trip to Nassau where we now sit and wait for calm seas...but being "stuck" in Nassau is a lot like being "stuck" in Coconut Grove....not bad places to be "stuck"  A great running trail goes east from our marina passing Fort Montagu, built to guard the east harbor from pirates and such, check out the "Where in the World are Bob & Linda" link to the right>>>>  then use the satellite imagery and zoom in on our locations, you can actually see the pool at our marina where I took a cool post-run dip to cool off!  We plan on heading to Compass Cay by Saturday, we hope to see the winds change to give us a smoooth ride!
 First stop yesterday...a hike up to McKenzies Conch Shack which is located under the high bridge leading to Paradise Island, a little area called Potters Cay is a line of food vendors in little shacks (very nice little shacks for the most part), we are dedicated to McKenzies as we tried them all.  Locals seem to prefer it as well as the line there is longer...  Sip a Kalik while you watch your conch salad being put together!  Last ingredient to go in...RISKY BUSINESS HOT SAUCE!
 Our happy Chef, talking it up to Bob as he chops our salads fresh in front of us, Bob is learning technique!
 His hands were a blur as they chopped our onion, (and I didn't notice many scars on his fingers either)  tomato, peppers and other "secret" ingredients, the conch is ready to be chopped in the background.
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