Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Between Cat Cay and Chub Cay...

 Today is suppose to be a beautiful ride to Nassau, then on to Compass Cay the following day.  Yesterday we cruised 10 hours from Cat Cay to Chub Cay where for $132. we rented a hole in the water.  On the way to Chub it started out a little rocky and overcast, but as the seas calmed down and the sun came out we were finally able to see the bottom, as we were only in about 15' of water.  I spotted what appeared to be a nesting place for lobsters and screamed "lobster habitat!"  We turned around, located it again, dropped the hook and Bob checked it out.  Not big enough to spear so they will live on!  Bob was very happy to be suited up and WET!
 A view off the aft deck while simply beautiful!  Not another sign of civilization in sight....  Buddy asleep on our bed due to smooth ride, I made garlic knots and finally read my June Vanity Fair cover to cover.
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