Friday, November 16, 2012

Bob and I awoke Nov. 7 and said we were proud to be Minnesotans!  Marriage Amendment defeated!  I ran in the Big Gay Race, we attended many VOTE NO rallies, we called, we wore our bracelets/T-shirts and gave dollars...and we succeeded!

Halloween night, two little Princesses ready to go begging for candy door to door; Amelia asked me to make a pink Cinderella dress for Evie-"like the mice made" so here are the two Cinderellas.  Ted's yard decorated with pumpkins with VOTE TED carved in them-as election day was 6 days away!

Another MN milestone...Bob got a new car!  Yay!  We love our little Mini Cooper, his former car, lovingly called "Hooptie" is in a new family that needed transportation to work and was short of funds to buy a car.    

The outcome for Teddy...Ted Wins!  A dedicated City Council person will be sworn in Jan 1, the town is excited to have Ted present fresh ideas with his passion for Stillwater.

Veda L tied to the dock at Sunrise Bay Marina in Stuart, freshly waxed, shiny chrome outside, new fridge, new microwave, new freezer and totally clean...was good to be home!

Our last night in Stuart; we celebrated getting all our provisioning done & cataloged, Bob has the boat ship shape and ready to point her south.  I was a little nervous about leaving at high tide with the current pushing us off the dock in a narrow channel lined with boats where we had to spin our 48' around, but Bob studied the situation, set lines appropriately, gave me my instructions and we left Stuart without a hitch at 7:15 am.-Pompano Beach tonight...  Oh me of little faith.  Capt knows what's up. :)