Monday, May 10, 2010

McKenzies! Always our first stop after leaving Compass Cay and arriving in Nassau, a short walk to Potters Cay for McKenzies conch salad, we have tried them all and they are the best! No sky juice today for Bob (or me), it is only $6.00 which seems like a real deal for the quantity you comes in a very large cup, but is a mixture of coconut water, sweetened condensed milk and gin. Potters Cay is located under the bridge which leads from Nassau's downtown district to Atlantis on Paradise Island. As you walk along the waterfront it is amazing to see the half sunken boats and such on the Nassau side with the gleaming "Emerald City" type structure of Atlantis in the background.

As we left Nassau, passing all the cruise ships, and lastly the lighthouse on the point, we looked forward to a safe crossing over to Dinner Key Marina in Coconut Grove, just south of Miami proper. We were out in the Tongue of The Ocean during sunset, we cruised until about 2am at which time we were near Gun Cay and Cat Cay, we attempted to anchor in an area called Honeymoon Harbor which was not what we had in mind for a honeymoon....bad anchorage, hard bottom, as tired as we were we just wanted to get that anchor set and it refused to do it three times...finally on the fourth try we got it set. Thank God. Having all of your attention focused on what is in front of you in the dark and on the radar screen tires you out and we just needed sleep, gone on the days when we stay up past midnight! We crawled into bed at 3:30 and got up at 7am to start our crossing over to Dinner Key, some 4-5' seas as we passed through the cut between Gun and Cat, but then settled into a comfortable 3' the rest of the trip.

Stiltsville, I should google this to see who owns these, if they are Park Service owned or private. How they survive the hurricanes is beyond me, but are a welcome sight as we approach Key Biscayne, we know we are close to our destination.

Finally on May 6 we leave Miami...again. We left on May 5 but had a hose break and had to limp back to Dinner Key for repair. We had a beautiful ride past downtown Miami with the calm waters reflecting the tall buildings. Was early morning so we saw lots of joggers in the parks and trails surrounding the city. We saw a very old turtle pop his head up along the way to Pensacola, he was encrusted with barnacles and only peeked at us before descending into the waters.
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