Friday, May 14, 2010

A Gulf of Mexico crossing is never complete without Dolphins coming along for playtime in your wake, this time a pod of Dolphins chose to glide along in our bow wake, switching from port to starboard as I crawled across the bow with my camera clicking away, this is a Mother and child, I see this quite a bit, and it is always touching as the Mom keeps her baby close to her within a fin's touch! We had a dreamy smooth crossing, never even used our stabilizers or had to alter course. Still a 24 hr crossing wears you out, so Apalachicola and their oysters were a welcome sight at lunch time when we arrived.

This picture was taken a couple of years ago during a Gulf of Mexico crossing, but I have yet to witness anything even close to it; I was in the pilot house and saw a dolphin leap high in the air, "Holy $@%!" and I ran for my camera, never thinking that I would get a repeat performance, not only did one jump but THREE dolphins jumped up, and they did it TWICE! The splash that followed was incredible as well. I did not have my camera set properly, and used the full telephoto, so it is not the clearest of photos, but what an experience to witness and capture! My comment was "did a dolphin show escape from Sea World during a hurricane?"

This was today! We were on our way from Apalachicola to Clearwater with a tummy full of oysters, we always see Dolphins in this area near Allanton in Wetappo Creek, and marked it as such on our chart; so I went out and started slapping the side of our hull with my hand to draw their attention to our boat, sure enough a pod of dolphins came along, and just when I thought that they were only going to glide alongside of us and depart, this one decided to give me a show! It is so exciting to capture the playfulness, and you can hear their chirping as they communicate. By the way, for every dolphin picture I get I miss 10 or more! Tough job being a dolphin photographer, almost as hard as taking pictures of sharks! (as you are fleeing!)
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