Thursday, April 29, 2010

Tucker, owner of Compass Cay Marina has these "pet" nurse sharks that come up on the dock at high tide (if you feed them!) so tonight Bob and I took left over fish scraps and lured them up on the dock, Bob was giving free massages to any takers. Guests are not allowed to feed them off their boats as it would draw in other varieties of sharks, if a Lemon or Tiger comes into the marina "nurse shark feeding area" Tucker has this long spiked handle that he pokes the rogues with and they seem to get the idea. I was snorkeling under the docks looking for Lionfish a while back and saw a lemon shark at the end of the pier, non-threatening, but needless to say I left his area... Tonight we saw crew chopping up fish off the "tender" to their 100+ yacht, and one of the family members was in the water with the sharks as they were being fed; Tucker told them not do feed off their yacht, and never, never get in the water when sharks are feeding, so Tucker said "oh well, just wait for the screams...they were warned"

This Flamingo Tongue was spotted by Bob while on our snorkel off Compass Cay cut, they are a shell/mollusk that you can find on sea fans.

Ahhhh, the joys of Bahama waters! Actually this was the small one, I was following Mama and Bob called me over to see "something" and it was this smaller one which at least stayed in one spot for me so I could take a few snapshots, he is missing the barb on the end of his tail, wonder who nabbed it, you can guess it was a shark.

I sent Bob down to take a picture of these fast little Chromis as he can hold his breath longer than I can, they move fast, I have been trying to get a clear picture of one of these pretty little neon blue fish the entire winter.... Bob had so much fun with my camera he said "do you think I could get to the point that I would just enjoy the water, take nothing and leave nothing but bubbles?" No. Picturing Bob with a camera and no spear is not even possible to conjur up.
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