Friday, January 29, 2010

We arrived on Cave Cay at low tide, which probably wasn't the smartest idea, but we did get in o.k. and then took a walk to the end of the airstrip where we found a shallow pool that gets surf from the Atlantic, we have seen lots of Casseopia's in our day, but these bright blue tentacles were amazing! I love the second picture showing the chambers of the Jelly! And they were everywhere. A beautiful crescent beach is on the Exuma Sound side of the island which we walked, and will snorkel the coral heads not far from shore tomorrow.

Cave Cay marina is a natural hurricane hole, you enter through a narrow cut between the high rock ledges which gives it almost a man-made look, a very unique spot to discover! A very nice marina, but the challenge was getting Veda L into the slip we had chosen, backing to starboard with a single screw, then add the wind (gusty and strong) and the current and Capt Bob has his work cut out! Good thing he is not a drinking man or we would not have had our nice walk after docking Veda L. I equate the above process with backing a Greyhound bus into a parking spot without rear view mirrors.

Rule of the Day...if you travel with a furry friend, remember where his favorite hiding spot is at home BEFORE you panic and spend 45 minutes zigzagging through Exuma Sound looking for a little furry head bobbing in the water. We were sure Buddy was on the boat, but we could not find him, we looked into every spot he has ever chosen to hide in, I did not know that Bob had taken a beach towel from the cupboard, but Buddy did and he crawled in. Then Bob closed the door not knowing that our Buddy had discovered his home away from home...THE LINEN CLOSET! Now we have our wet suits on, ready to go spear fishing, where is Buddy? I open a can of tuna to bring him out from wherever...THAT ALWAYS WORKS! No Buddy...THAT is when I panicked. So now we are convinced that SOMEHOW this silly cat of ours not only escaped but fell overboard (incredulous idea but the only one we had), so off Bob went in the tender. As he returns with a thumbs down on the approach I hear a very faint little meeeeeew, like a squeak...or was it our silly cat? I look into the cupboard that seemed to hold the meeeeew and here is what I saw. Buddy says "what is the big fuss all about? And by the way...where is that can of tuna?"
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