Saturday, January 23, 2010

The day after our arrival we had "dead calm" seas, we launched the canoe for a sunset cruise, and I was so happy I glanced over my shoulder as we were headed back to the boat, for some reason the sunsets at Hetty's Land are always super spectacular. The seas were calm, the reefs are fished heavily, so we did not expect to get lobster, but as were were heading back to the boat I spotted antennae down in a hole in coral. Bob came back and speared him, but due the size of the lobster in relationship to the size of the hole...well, the spear had to go and the hands had to do the rest, I happened to get the whole wrestling match on video, 65 sec. underwater wrestling, but he got him! I was very proud of my athletic husband. Take a look at the online photos to see the length of our "buttery/lemony" flavored friend.

A stone crab that we only watched scamper across the bottom, some people snap off a claw or two, we prefer to remember our dinners at Joe's in Miami and not have anymore crustacean wrestling....

This was a 6 Lion Fish kill day, we really need to spread the word to eliminate these (unfortunately beautiful) creatures from the reefs as they devour the juvenile fish very rapidly. Great practice spearing, and a good deed done, the karma of the Lion Fish kill gave us the lobster later...or so we said.

Are these the perfect days that us cruisers just live for? The water was so clear and calm, and the silence was similar to what I remember being in a hot air balloon at 20,000 feet...not a sound. No ripples and no bird sounds as we were a ways out, and no one else in the anchorage.
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