Saturday, December 19, 2009

Merry Christmas to All! Shavago, our friend and dock assistant at Emerald Bay Marina also doubles as a photographer when need be! Granted I dropped the tree into the "drink" as I was getting all my props and cat on the dock, but ya gotta have a Christmas tree, even tho it was a little wet! Buddy had a wonderful flight home, once again stopped traffic at TSa as we carried him through the check point, everyone stops and you hear "look at that cat" "Oh My God, he is huge" etc, etc. He is really not a big cat, he is just fluffy! Diabetic, arthritic, but the love of our life!

Here is a shot of the Islands of the Bahamas, showing where we started in Miami, actually Coconut Grove/dinner Key marina, then crossing over to Bimini to clear customs. We were NOT impressed with Bimini regarding the marina, the people and the safety factor, we hope our experiences were an isolated incidence, but we will not return. We did have a great dinner of conch salad, and the sunrise was one of the best of our trip, so as usual my glass is half full as I do have some great memories after and sunrises!! Not all bad, maybe we will give it a second chance.

Our trip back to Emerald Bay Marina on Jan. 5, 2010 will be the start of our return to the following islands and I am sure we will explore some new areas as well. The Acklins need to be visited again, Cat Island, Rum Cay, Conception, so keep checking back to see where we may end up and what adventures we experience! Of course Buddy will be with us, and I am going to start his own Blog, will let you know when it is up and running, a lot of cat lovers out there that will appreciate our crazy love for this fabulous feline!

Merry Christmas from these Christmas Tree Worms on coral. These Christmas Tree Worms are usually very shy and will not stay open when you are close and taking a photograph, but these guys were posing for a Christmas photo!

A Trumpet fish that thought he could hide in the soft coral, but I caught him! I had chased him a bit as I knew my first picture was not good, and then thought I lost him....but a sharp eye gave me the Ah ha moment and I got the shot. Amazing what Mother Nature has taught her children!
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