Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Life is Really Swell on Veda L as we have found our "Bahama/Exuma home" again on Great Exuma not far from Georgetown. Is it any wonder they named this area Emerald Bay? The Marina at Emerald Bay is The Top Destination for boaters who want to have a home base that has every possible amenity, yet feel like they are in a small town atmosphere due to the friendly staff that will not let their day end until all details are taken care of for their guests. Check out their new web site to see where Veda L. is living for a few weeks! www.MarinaAtEmeraldBay.com They were closed for a few months, but it made us happy to see that the slips are filling up fast! If we did not have The Marina at Emerald Bay in the Exumas to leave our boat (in great hands!) it would be nearly impossible for us to make trips home for visits with our family.

Our Cat Buddy, (don't tell him that...he thinks he is a little boy in a cat suit!) asked Ericka if she would join him at the bar for a Kitty Cocktail. Wahoo's is a great little bar/restaurant with fabulous chowder just steps from our dock. Ericka, the office manager was kind enough to cat sit for Buddy while we took a two week trip home, that was two years ago and they have been friends ever since. Ericka lives on Great Exuma but this year has taken a job managing a private island, their new office manager came over from the Four-Seasons Resort and is highly skilled in public relations.

When we came back to Emerald Bay/Exumas after a 2 week excursion to Cat Island, Rum Cay and other Cays nearby we were greeted by Shavago, Ericka and Leonard, shown with Capt Bob...they brought down two Kaliks in brown paper wrappers as a special "welcome home Uncle Bob!" Yes, they have become family to us! It has been two years since we have been here due to health issues and the death of my Mother, but we had a sort of family reunion as we walked into the office to see all the smiling faces, and so great to see the upgrades that have taken place in our absence. Wow.....

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