Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Inspector Gadget & our Peruvian Princess!

When updating my last Blog...How did I forget to add Inspector Gadget to the stories?!  I love this picture as it shows the evolution of Bob...not only is he wearing the newest dive/watch/computer to try it out for our friend Daryl, but he has his GoPro mounted on his head, his tank on his back and looks ready for action!  He captured a good video of a huge crab underwater that day.

I have to say...of all the cakes I have made, this was my crowning glory of all!  Spencer and family spent 6 weeks in MN over the holidays, and little Miranda was in MN for her 5th birthday, her wish....  A Frozen theme cake!  I made snowflakes from royal icing, my friend Teary made ice shards and pond, we laughed over the leaning towers (rice krispie tubes and ice cream cones) as we struggled to keep them upright, but in the end it was a dream come true cake...and all edible (except Olaf) Pictured are Santi age 7 in a few days, Marcela, Miranda and Spencer.    Marcela and I turned our dining room into a Frozen wonderland while Miranda slept, a fun time!