Sunday, May 25, 2014

Another day of gin clear blue water & then back to traffic....Mansions & Nassau!

If ya gotta leave...this is the way to end our winter in the Bahamas, the most beautiful weather imaginable... then entering the Nassau harbor you pass a few of the above mansions, then find our slip at Nassau Harbor Club where we will wait for Dan Himes to join us on Memorial Day, then we head off to explore the Berry Islands.  Dan was our delivery capt when we bought Veda L in 1999, now I call him Bob's playmate as they both love the boating, diving, lobstering life, his playdate will last a week until we go back to Coconut Grove where he lives.  The lower left photo shows small patch reefs and soft coral in about 15' of water as we leave Rock Sound a couple days ago. The aqua blue water was our approach to Nassau yesterday.