Saturday, December 08, 2012

Relocation coming soon!

 Veda L has been tied to the dock at Compass Cay just long enough,we need to get this "double wide that floats" off the dock to find new adventures!  I took this photo from our tender after a short ride to an anchorage nearby that our friends from White Bear Lake, MN told us about.  Yes, we heard "Front Page" calling Nassau Harbour Club when we stayed there, it was Gene and Kathy Johnson who own the White Bear Press.  We have run into them throughout FL and Bahamas for years, on the street at Green Turtle Cay in Abacos, years ago; at the lock in Moorehaven FL...and now in Nassau.  Anyway they told us of a secluded spot that they tuck into not far from Compass Cay.  Not only does it look peaceful, but we saw a sunken barge in about 15' of water that looks like promising lobster habitat!
 We enjoyed this serene view from our aft deck, (aka back porch)  The storms seem to be over now, poor Kitty Buddy spent two nights doing the Navy Seal crawl from one hiding spot to another.  A great light show, and a free boat wash!   I did get a run in between showers, as I returned I told Tucker that he must have lengthened the trails since I was here last.  :)
 While I made two batches of caramel rolls to freeze and take back to MN for Christmas (we get home 12/16 and I want to play with Grandgirls vs. baking!) Bob spent his evening poring over charts locating the reefs that Tucker's Sons told him about that are not too far away, and have promise of lobsters.   MN hunters track deer... Bob tracks lobsters, plus hunts "old school" with a spear!
 Goodbye Tucker till after the Holidays!  Our host Tucker enjoyed samples of my caramel rolls, and my peanut butter cookies, keeping "the boss" happy!   Compass Cay is undoubtedly the home to our favorite crescent beach, makes my morning run a sprint through paradise! 
 A morning walk with my Capt along the beach, always looking for goodies; I found this sea egg and two sand dollars to take home to the girls.
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