Monday, April 06, 2015

A visit from Aruba Windsurfing friends!

A new day has DAWNED....meaning that our friend, Bob's windsurfing "mistress" as we call her has arrived with her Daughter and a friend.  So, it's Dawn, husband David, Daughter Rachael and friend Rachael, I just call them Thing 1 & Thing 2 Delightful young ladies that put up with the adults acting like kids.....    Dawn is called "Bob's Mistress" as I don't windsurf and she does, not only that but they like to sail in the same area, same distance from shore so they watch each other's backs; which I greatly appreciate!
I wanted to do one more Blog post before leaving on April 11th for 2 weeks in MN; Amelia will be turning six and I have to be there for their birthday parties, and I want to do her cake.  This year she has requested a Mermaid, so a mermaid cake it shall be!  When she was 3 she asked me what kind of cake I was making for her and I told her that I had "her birthday cake in my head"  She looked at me incredulous with big eyes and almost shouted "You have my birthday cake IN YOUR HEAD??"  I had to explain how I always used that term for my design work.....  I will Blog (Bla bla bla) away once I return to Veda L on April 28...until then, be safe and have fun wherever you are, the world is a beautiful place!

With our new 14' Novurania and it's 50hsp Yamaha it is a quick 25 minute ride for the 6 of us from Davis Harbour to Lighthouse Point, looks like the shoreline of a Polynesian island with the palm tries and gin clear water.  You catch your breath when you come around the point and see this ahead.
We climbed to the top of the point for this view, spotting a cave like overhang just beyond a private little cove and decided that would be ideal for us cave people to picnic in!

There is our cave and our warm "swimming pool" where the girls and Dawn were having handstand and cartwheel competitions.  Thing 1 (their Daughter) is on swim team so she has a "little" edge.

This is Rachael, (Thing 2) who has been a friend of Thing 1's since grade school, and they live close by each other.  Not a bad view from our cave!

This is an eye exam.  Can you find the scorpion fish?  I found this and then went to get the others to see it, the tricky part was finding it the second time as it was not next to anything really noteworthy...just a jumble of rock and old coral.  Then he blinked... ah ha, gotcha!  If you look on the lower left quarter you will see his bulging eyes lids, a little further up at a 45 degree angle you will his his pectoral fins and just to the right of center at the top of the photo you will see his thin striped tail.  He was about a foot long, and they are poisonous, why I wear diving gloves.

Next to the yellow tailed damsel fish with the bright yellow tails, deep blue/purple body with fluorescent little sparkles on their back, these stoplight parrot fish are my next favorites to see.. great colors for Easter!

A Lizard fish just hanging out on a rock

Another favorite thing to find, christmas tree worms, seen on a piece of coral, which is also can see the little polyps that look like miniature flowers.  The christmas tree worms will quickly dissapear into a small little pin print if touched or if you get too close.

Just a pretty underwater scene, snappers around a garden of soft corals.

Get a brain!  Really more of a knobby coral than brain coral, but was a beautiful mound to find.
I have taken a rain check on a cave adventure, not good in caves or with bats, especially when you have to use a flashlight to explore.  Bob went along, I stayed here to make my birthday party orders and to make some bread.  A rainy day which made us really happy that we spent yesterday at Lighthouse Point.