Sunday, April 15, 2012

Compass Cay to Emerald Bay

"Baby Turtle" (about 2' in diameter) Bob found under a ledge near Hetty's Land (near Black Point) when hunting for Grouper,  Bob popped up and said "Quick, hand me your camera!"  Good call and Good shot Bob...  better to "shoot" a picture than a Grouper for dinner?  

 One Lion Fish down...hundreds of thousands to go!  This was our first Lion Fish dinner, Bob was carefully shearing the poisonous fins off it, once it had it's haircut it looked like a footfall with a big mouth!  A very tasty fish, looking forward to getting enough of them to make ceviche.
 Bob has been spending WAY too much time down here...our very clean engine room that has been getting a lot of attention lately.  John James, our Emerald Bay mechanic and Bob are putting the generator back together right now and we hope that very soon we will be looking at the island below shown on our chart from Fernadez Bay...  Land of Ericka Harris, new Mother of little Michael Navin Harris.  The chart shows the location of their grocery store, "Issies Store"  I have finished all but my last elective for my WI real estate license, and though all course work can be dreadful, at least my view is better than a MN classroom!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Finally...leaving for Cat Cay on Wednesday!

We left MN on Nov 2, flying to Florida to board Veda L after she had her mechanical face lift , thinking we  would go cruising; well, the Gods had other plans.  We attempted a crossing from Dinner Key Marina in Coconut Grove/Miami to Bimini on 12/24 only to have our radar go out, and when returning to Dinner Key we had transmission problems.  We left Veda L in the capable hands of our friend (and delivery Capt when we got Veda L) Dan Himes, so that the transmission/radar would be taken care of while we went home and took our annual Aruba trip.   Linda enjoyed Aruba for Carnaval  and Bob enjoyed a month of fabulous windsurfing.  Returning to MN I enjoyed my total immersion into my Grandchildrens lives again (God how I miss them) we left again for Coconut Grove/Dinner Key on March 22.   YAY, we actually got to Bimini to clear customs, then on to Chub Cay where we discovered that our bow thrusters were not working.  So, onto Nassau where we got "the best" electrician to work on them, the day after having them "fixed" the wiring caught fire due to an improper wiring.  Bob smelled smoke as he came out of the shower and I thought I had burned a batch of cookies....he lifted the hatch to access the batteries for the bow thrusters (under our bed) and saw flames.  Jeez Us, if the fire would have happened when we were not on board we would have lost our boat and our cat (love child) Buddy!  We were very, very lucky!  So, we then flew in a mechanic who had previously worked on Veda L from FL, he brought the proper parts and after two days, we were once again ready to try this cruising thing!

(These two photos were taken while on Cat Island a couple years ago, and we really want to get back there next week!)

From Nassau we cruised to Compass Cay, had a wonderful couple of days there seeing old friends, but wanted to get to Emerald Bay which is on Great Exuma, to ready ourselves for a lengthy cruise. Halfway to Emerald Bay our generator quit working.  (Honestly...we really couldn't even believe it!)   Once we got to Emerald Bay we spoke to a marina employee who is very well certified in marine mechanics, and he assured us that he could get us running and on our way again, so more parts have been ordered, they flew in yesterday, and as I type John James (our Hero) is down below with Bob and it sounds good......  We have been in Emerald Bay now since Thursday 4/5,  and eight days is just long enough to overstay our welcome here!  Great friends at the marina that are probably getting tired of us; but I am completing my continuing ed credits needed to retain my real estate license, a better view however than any classroom I have been in!

As John James was leaving this evening, he invited us to attend church with his family tomorrow evening, a Pentecostal Church, where he will be playing his steel drum during the service.  Another interesting night ahead!

We plan on leaving Wednesday, and with any luck at all we will stay on Cat Island for at least a couple of weeks and really explore the land and sea that comprise this little piece of paradise!