Monday, November 15, 2010

We are on our way "down yonder" as of 11/5/2010! We packed the rental car, drove to Iuka MS non-stop, arriving at Aqua Yacht Harbor a little past midnight. Veda L had an overhaul, was freshly waxed and shiny, new bottom paint, cap-rails in perfect condition, now to unload the gypsy wagon (rental car) which was packed to the hilt. While returning the car the following day I saw a sign that said "Coon Dog Cemetery" who could resist? BOB could! He does not share my affinity for cemeteries which I love to meander through at every chance I get. Now....a coon dog cemetery, "come on! As you can see, I did make it there, albeit the next day, sans Bob. The top tombstone was one of my favorites out of the 185, "he was good as the best and better than the rest"
Every single one of the plots had flowers on it, so it was really beautiful up on that ridge overlooking the valley below. Now getting there was an adventure, and without google maps I would not have found it as directions given also rely on road signs, which there were none. So I followed the squiggly line and when I saw my dot stray, I turned around and corrected. I passed over Lurleen Buzzard Roost Creek, which was not a lick away from a sign posted on a gate with the scrawled message of "Nothin' here worth yer life!" which did stop me from snapping a photo, keep on goin' Linda Lou... A ramshackle barn next to an almost as bad house held a beautiful metallic bass boat glittering in the sunlight; the man has his priorities. Bless his heart.

When Bob and I spotted the sign to the Coon Dog Cemetery I had commented that it was probably the ONLY one in the world, and you are going to miss this once in a lifetime opportunity? His response was "Yes" Well, can you believe it; when I arrived at the spot, what sign should I see...Yep, "Only Cemetery of its Kind in the World" It was a beautiful drive getting there, I was wishing for my Audi to take the tight turns, hills and valleys, rather than the lumbering Aqua Yacht Harbor van, but you know what they say about beggers being choosers. At least it gave me a local look! On the way back to the boat I stopped at the Piggly Wiggly for provisions, the young man bagging my groceries looked at my Beefsteak Rye Bread and said "This is sure good with gravy on it" I said "just what is not good with gravy on it? "

While Bob was checking out the new engine on the tender, he sees a 32' Island Gypsy Trawler dock three boats up from us; could it be? Yes it is! Our first boat, (my training wheels as he called it) our first boat where we had gotten married on the aft deck, sold to my Sis and Hubby, now owned by Will from Chicago, renamed her Therapy. You can imagine the fun reunion as we introduced ourselves as the original owners and showed wedding photos of us being married on her. He thanked us for having heat installed as we were experiencing 28 degrees that morning. Therapy is heading for Key Largo for the winter to have rehab work done, but will live in Chicago.

Ah, a little fall color at Midway Marina as we came in to dock, I had to hurry with the dock lines as I could see the low light hitting the trees along the shoreline, I caught this just as the sun set behind me. Then it was a rush for the running shoes so I could finish a run while I could still distinguish goose droppings from mud.....As I write this we are at Columbus Marina where we ended our trip in the spring, tonight we will anchor at Sumter Landing, if we can get in the entrance which can be silted in, otherwise we will anchor atCooks Bend, then on to Demopolis. As we say...Life is Swell on Veda L!

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

We are on our way "down yonder" as of 11/5/2010! We packed the rental car, drove to Iuka MS non-stop, arriving at Aqua Yacht Harbor a little past midnight. Veda L had an overhaul, was freshly waxed and shiny, new bottom paint, cap-rails in perfect condition, now to unload the gypsy wagon (rental car) which was packed to the hilt. While returning the car the following day I saw a sign that said "Coon Dog Cemetery" who could resist? BOB! He does not share my affinity for cemeteries which I love to meander through at every chance I get, now...a Coon Dog Cemetery, com'on....not to be missed. As you can see I did make it! The top tomb stone was one of my favorite, of the 185, "he was good as the best and better than the rest" Every single one of the plots had flowers on it, so it was really beautiful up there on a ridge overlooking the valley below. Now getting there was another thing, if it were not for google maps I would not have found it, I had directions on google but of course the roads were missing all the signs; so left on "Coon Dog Cemetery Rd" didn't mean much. So, I followed the squiggly line and when I saw my dot stray from the line I turned around and got back on track. I passed over Lurleen Buzzard Roost creek, which was not a lick away from a sign posted on a gate with the scrawled message of "Nothin here worth your life" which stopped me from snapping a photo, keep on a goin' Linda Lou... A ramshackle barn next to a almost as bad house held a beautiful metallic bass boat glittering in the sunlight; the man has his priorities.

When Bob and I spotted the sign to the Coon Dog Cemetery I said "You are really going to miss the only opportunity you may ever have to miss what is probably the one and only Coon Dog Cemetery IN THE WORLD??" His response...."Yes" Well, can you believe it, when I arrived at the spot, what sign should I see...Yep, "Only Cemetery of it's kind In The World" A beautiful spot, a fun drive...just wish I was driving my Audi around those tight curves and up and down the hills instead of the lumbering Aqua Yacht van....but you know what they say about beggars not being choosers! On the way back to the boat I stopped for provisions, bought a nice little ham to slice up for ham sandwiches and some Beefsteak Rye Bread, the darling checkout lad commented as he put it in my bag "This shure is good with gravy on it" My response "What isn't good with gravy on it?" Nice place Iuka!

While Bob is checking out the new engine on the tender he sees an Island Gypsy dock three boats up from us; could it be? Yes it is! Our first boat (my boating training wheels) our Island Gypsy 32 that we got married on, sold to my sis and husband, now owned by Will from Chicago, and the boat is renamed Therapy. You can imagine what a fun reunion we had as we introduced ourselves as the original owners, showing Will wedding photos of us being married on the aft deck. He said he was glad that Therapy was from MN and had a heater as they were sure enjoying it in our 28 degree morning. She is headed for Key Largo for the winter and rehab work, but will live in Chicago. We hope to stay in touch.

Ahhh, a little fall color left, a brilliant scene as the last sunlight hit this stand of trees just before sunset as we pulled into Midway Marina. A few minutes later I was finishing my run around the lake not knowing if I was hitting or missing the goose droppings...time to quit. As I write this we are at Columbus Marina where we ended our last trip, tonight will be Cooks Bend, then on to Demopolis. As we say....LIFE IS SWELL ON VEDA L!