Sunday, August 22, 2010

Valley Outreach "First stop for the next step!" Thanks to SO MANY local business's who contributed raffle prizes that helped raise the total of more than $5,200! It all started with facebook reaching 10,000 friends, Ted and Rachael Kozlowski (Administrators of the Stillwater facebook page) decided it was a great reason to throw a party, but wanted to use the party as a fundraiser. Success! Thank you Sean and Joe at Smalleys for donating the space to party, Chris Aamodt/St Croix Vineyards for the wine tasting table, Lift Bridge Beer and Ted Kozlowski for donating the free beer! Kate Krisik and her volunteers for greeting guests and helping with the raffle, and explaining to guests what an intregal part of our community Valley Outreach is. Not just a food shelf, and not just "Dawn's Closet" which is a place to find clothes to go on that important job interview, etc., but also a place for students to go and receive all the proper "tools" for school, including a new backpack!

Ingrid Grahek of Twin Cities Game Theatre gets a hug of thanks from Linda Besk, Edina Realty, who was also one of the organizers of the event, she also helped her son Ted and his wife Rachael with the fund-raiser details. Ingrid brought the semi-trailer loaded with video games and such to the adjacent parking lot and gave free admission to all guests. Yeah Ingrid!

Rachael Kozlowski, with new baby Evelyn, watching the lucky winners of the raffle drawing, and showing a big smile when she found out we met the $1,000.00 mark which meant that Chuck & Judy Doughterty of the Water Street Inn, and Laura Bachmann/Chef's Gallery were each matching the first $1,000.!!!! Let's support their business the way as they support the community! Another regular anonymous donor who was not able to make the party also contributed $1,000. to the cause!
One of the many baskets of backpacks and school supplies that were donated. This basket was donated by Linda J Besk, Edina Realty...who found the Dollar Store a good source as was T.J. Maxx, 250 local students were requesting help with backpacks and school supplies, let's give these students the best possible start on this school year! Valley Outreach is still in need of supplies and backpacks, so don't delay! Check the Stillwater facebook page for items still needed!
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