Sunday, March 07, 2010

"Uncle Bob and Mama Linda" as the Water Sports kids call us, they didn't know what to "name" me, so I told them what my son's friends call me, so now I'm Mama Linda! Bob has really enjoyed working with this great bunch of kids, between the water sports group and those who work at Emerald Bay Marina, we are surrounded by a fun group of young adults who not only work hard to make our stay fabulous, but have big hearts and will be friends forever. We have such a great time while our weather window is closed that it makes being "stuck" (a real misnomer) at Emerald Bay Marina just as fun as being out cruising!

The Straw Market in Georgetown, another fun stop. While looking for a bathroom, Deary, a merchant from the strawmarket said she would show me, she was going there too. Deary says "you will need some of this tissue that I keep in my boozum, and I will let you have the stall with the door, here is how you have to flush" Deary was a dear, and she happened to have the perfect basket that was a perfect fit for Buddy! I told her I was buying a basket to fit my cat, she said it took her a week to make it, $55, but as they say...."for Buddy....PRICELESS"

Buddy shows his appreciation by actually getting into his new basket and spending the afternoon there! He is thinking "It was about time folks!"

Capt Dan and Bob dropped the tender into the water and were out of the marina within 15 minutes of returning from Compass Cay. This was to be Dan's last dip... after getting into the water and looking in holes and ledges for lobsters for only about 15 minutes, they found this prize lobster! Yes...very yummy too! Our neighbor who has not spearfished as yet now thinks this is real just get in the boat, go out for 30 minutes and come back with this.....yeah, right!

We are on our way to MN for two weeks, when we get back we really hope to make our way to Conception. Those turtles that breed in the creek really beckon me!

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